Sunday, March 18, 2012

14 Months of Breastfeeding

Yes. This is a post about breastfeeding. If you would rather not read about such topics feel free to stop. now.

But I can't not write about something I have done every single day, multiple times a day for over 420 days. And to my surprise, new mom's ask me about my experience often.

For me, breastfeeding was the single most difficult thing about transitioning into the role of new mom. It hurt. It felt constant. It was lonely. No one could help me. It seemed to steal my freedom...and my sleep.

I remember planning a trip to Target when Grey was a few weeks old. I made sure everything was ready to dash out the door the second he unlatched: keys, phone, purse, diaper bag...check.  We scrambled out the door, ran into Target {mostly just to get out of the house}, checked out and rushed home only to sit down on the couch to nurse again.  My days of leisurely shopping trips seemed a distant memory. The freedom I experienced {and didn't even realize I had} was gone in the blink of an eye. A similar song and dance happened around bed time. The second Grey unlatched, I laid him down and tried to go to sleep myself knowing that I would be up soon to nurse him once again. I was no longer free to go to bed with my husband or stay up to hang out with him after he finished his homework. I was resentful.

I almost gave up breastfeeding multiple times. Adam even begged me at one point to give it up because I was so distraught about having to do it all by myself. Every feeding, day and night. I was not really able to pump well, so bottles were reserved for when I REALLY had to leave, not for fun date nights or just so I could sleep. I was bound to Grey, and at first it really did feel like bondage. I am sure post pregnancy hormones had a lot to do with my "woe is me" attitude, but let's be real Motherhood comes at you like a freight train. You picture cuddles and cooing and then reality sinks in and its not all rainbows and butterflies, its hard work.

I remember how lonely I felt. When people were over, I was resigned to the nursery alone as I nursed Grey. There was no way I was going to breastfeed in front of guy friends (and nursing under a cover is pretty tricky at first), so off to the other room I went. I clearly remember crying in Grey's room, nursing him, while I heard everyone in the other room laughing and enjoying the conversation. I felt oh so lonely.

But for all the drawbacks, I was committed to continue for Grey's sake. I knew it was the best thing for him and I knew I would survive. Women throughout the ages have done this, I can too. Grey's latch was perfect, I had plenty of milk AND I stayed at home. We were better off than many. I had no excuse, so I owed it to Grey to at least give it a go. Not to mention, I could save us thousands of dollars in formula.

Many women encouraged me to stick it out for at least a month and it would get easier. They were definitely right and I was thankful for the encouragement. The pain lessened and as my hormones evened out and I got more than one hour of sleep the burden seemed to transform into a joy. Now after 14 months of breastfeeding my baby it is like second nature. Instead of something that I dread and resent, it has become something beautiful and sweet. So sweet, in fact, that I barely even know how to give it up. I said I would NEVER become a pacifier. I would NEVER nurse my baby to sleep {or he won't learn to sleep on his own, I was told}. I would NEVER nurse beyond the 1 year mark {only weirdo Le Leche League people do that}.  I have changed my mind on all three of those things and I am so happy I did.

We have been doing two feedings a day since his first birthday and just this past week have gone down to one feeding in the morning. He drinks almond milk for the rest of the day, since he is allergic to dairy {we give him one piece of bacon a day to make up for the fat he is missing out on, per drs. orders}. Sadly, I think its almost time to move on from breastfeeding. The letting go is much harder than I expected. But it's time.

I can assure you, with #2 my attitude towards breastfeeding will be much more laid back than it started off with Grey. Will it be hard? I'm sure. But next time I will be expecting it to be difficult and hopefully next time I will be able to see beyond the newborn phase to the beauty and sweetness that lie ahead.            

So that is a little bit of mine and Grey's story. I am so thankful I was able to stick it out. It was one of the most selfless things I have ever done in my life but also one of the most rewarding. Love you Grey.


Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Mother's Day Keepsake Photos

There really isn't much sweeter than photos of you and your baby. My most cherished photos of me and Greyson are ones of just me and him. There is something so special about the bond between a momma and their baby. But sadly, I am almost never in photos since I am usually behind the lens. Recently, though, my friend was in town so I set up my camera for her: shutter speed, aperture and ISO... check! ...and I got these sweet photos out of it:


I promise you, these photos of me and my baby will be cherished until the day I die.

So let me hook you up this Mother's Day {It's May 13th this year}!!
Mother's Day Session Gift Cards are available over in the shop

What you get:
1hr session for Mom and her child(ren)
A CD with 3 edited images in color and black and white*
Personalized Facebook Timeline Banner Photo
A PDF gift certificate for Dad's to print out so that Mom has something to unwrap on Mother's Day

*Additional Photos will be available for purchase. You can choose your 3 photos via an online proofing site. Travel fees may apply if outside the 75204 zip code. 

Price: $100

So Moms, start dropping hints now {or hook yourself up, no shame in that}!! You know Dad's are sometimes hard headed with this kind of stuff so direct them here and start getting excited for beautiful keepsake photos of you and your little one(s).

{If you are looking for a different kind of shoot as always you can look under the photography tab at the top of the blog or email me at for more info and pricing}

New at Grey Skies Blue

Grey Skies Blue had a strong opening with the gender reveal pins and photobooth props flying off the shelves!! I am up to my eyeballs in bows and mustaches. Because of their popularity I am introducing some new gender reveal swag as well as a new brooch/clip which was recently modeled by a cute pregnant lady.

First up the brooch/clip:

The brooch/clip is perfectly sweet. You can pin it on your favorite sweater or clip into a pony tail.

Or even fasten it to a belt!

The bow/clip is super cute, versatile and comes in loads of fun colors to punch up your wardrobe.

Now onto the new gender reveal product. I received requests from a few people to do matching pins/photo props with lips for girls instead of bows. Well, you only have to ask me once! Here you have it:

The lips come in red or pink or you can get a combo if you like. 

Head on over to shop and browse around. If you are a public follower of this blog use the coupon code shadesofgrey to get 10% off your order!!


Sunday, March 11, 2012

Shelby and Grady

It was such an honor to host my BFF in Dallas over the weekend. She is 20 weeks pregnant and we wanted to get together one last time before her little boy, Grady Ford, arrives this summer. I was worried she wouldn't have much of a bump for me to photograph, but she willed Grady to grow for auntie Katie and ended up having the perfect little bump to showcase for her visit!!

After fighting perpetual rain her entire trip, there was a break in the drizzle on Sunday and we took full advantage and went out to get some maternity photos. So without further ado, Mr. Grady Ford and his momma, Shelby. 


Monday, March 5, 2012

I Just Realized...

One year ago today I started blogging right here at Shades of Grey. This blog has meant so much to me. In those dark and lonely days of new mommyhood it gave me something to look forward to, it gave me a place to record all the highlights of Greyson's first year, it was a place to share victories, defeats and be transparent, it helped me launch Shades of Grey Photography and Blue Skies Grey Shop, it was a place to share my faith and my life. Thank you so much for reading along.


A Day in the Park

A few days ago we went to the park to swing. We do this multiple times a week because Grey just screams in delight when he is swinging + there is a park a few blocks away + the weather has been exceptional this winter in Dallas. I brought my camera along to capture photo's for a friend but ended up getting a little "snap happy" while the kids were swinging, eh what can I say, Grey is darn cute.

My little baby is starting to look like a little boy more and more these days...

Juney-B usually accompanies Grey to the park. They have a great time swinging together...

 June was rocking some pretty cute piggy tails that day...

 Grey, in his happy place...

A plane mommy! Look a plane...

Grey is 13 months old now. I know! I can't believe it either. Time flies in some respects and in others it is just creeping along. Here are a few updates on Grey in case you care:

* Though he has taken a few steps sans walker, he still mostly crawls
* We are still breastfeeding 2x's a day and supplementing with Almond Milk
* He is still OBSESSED with hair, mostly mine
* He loves to eat fruit, bacon, sweet potato fries, baked beans and broccoli, almost everything else has to be mixed with applesauce + cinnamon for him to stomach it
* His first real word was "nana" for banana and he is also saying "ba" for ball
* He is taking one long nap about 2-3 hours long
* He hates church nursery but we still make him go
* He loves swinging, walking in the hall, elevator buttons spotting airplanes, watching big kids run around and be silly, and the song "Party Rock."
* He has a shy, cautious, and sweet personality. He is pretty chill unless he is being left at the church nursery or taken to the doctor, haha.

We love you more and more every day Grey-Grey!

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Carter is One

I recently did a baseball themed shoot for 1 year old Carter. His 1st birthday was a baseball theme so it only seemed fitting. Throughout the shoot Carter was Mr. Serious, but his sweet parents were able to help me get a few smiles. From afar we must have looked crazy jumping around and making loud noises, but it was worth it!

Here are a few of my favorites from the shoot:

A little baseball cupcake action... 

Rocking out on home plate... err where home plate should be...

...and Mr. Serious himself.

 Happy belated Birthday Carter!!  

To book a shoot email me at 
I would love to work with you!
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